Local Log Viewer
July 28, 2023About 1 min
The command for viewing local log with formatting
Video tutorial
The local log view command is used to format and view local logs, making the logs easier to view.
$ goctls extra view_log -h
Format and view log information
goctls extra view_log [flags]
-h, --help help for view_log
-l, --list Show all workspace configurations
-t, --log_type string Log Type. Use with "workspace" param. Support error, stat, access, severe, slow
-p, --path string Log file path. If a configuration file path is provided, the corresponding file will be read directly
-r, --reset_workspace Clear workspace configurations
-s, --size int Number of messages to display. The default is 10, displayed in reverse order (default 10)
-w, --workspace string Saved workspace names
-k, --workspace_setting string Configure workspace data. After configuration, the workspace directory can be saved and read by name, and must be used with the log_type parameter. The format is "name,directory"
Firstly, configure
goctls extra view_log -k core,D:/home/data/logs/mcms/rpc
In the example, "core" is a custom name used for differentiation in search. The comma in the middle must be an English comma, followed by a path that must contain log files such as error.log. The configuration will be saved, and multiple workspaces can be stored simultaneously, distinguished by name.
And then you can access the log by command below:
goctls extra view_log -w core -t error -s 2
$ goctls extra view_log -w core -t error -s 2
"@timestamp": "2023-07-06T11:20:06.191+08:00",
"caller": "dberrorhandler/error_handler.go:24",
"content": "ent: missing required field \"EmailLog.subject\"",
"detail": "target:\"xxx@qq.com\" subject:\"测试一下\" content:\"这个是测试邮件\"",
"level": "error",
"span": "653212ac1b76e41f",
"trace": "26c5ce4b81ae408595a77175dee10783"
"@timestamp": "2023-07-06T11:11:07.036+08:00",
"caller": "base/init_database_logic.go:33",
"content": "database error",
"detail": "sql/schema: modify \"mcms_email_log\" table: pq: column \"subject\" of relation \"mcms_email_log\" contains null values",
"level": "error"
Before Formatting
{"@timestamp":"2023-07-06T11:11:07.036+08:00","caller":"base/init_database_logic.go:33","content":"database error","detail":"sql/schema: modify \"mcms_email_log\" table: pq: column \"subject\" of relation \"mcms_email_log\" contains null values","level":"error"}
{"@timestamp":"2023-07-06T11:20:06.191+08:00","caller":"dberrorhandler/error_handler.go:24","content":"ent: missing required field \"EmailLog.subject\"","detail":"target:\"1693196733@qq.com\" subject:\"测试一下\" content:\"这个是测试邮件\"","level":"error","span":"653212ac1b76e41f","trace":"26c5ce4b81ae408595a77175dee10783"}