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Ent Management

Ryan SUAbout 1 min

Ent Template Generation

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extra ent template Template Generation

goctls extra ent template -u
Parameter NameRequiredDefault ValueDescription
updateNofalseWhether to update all local templates and ent versions
listNofalseList all supported templates
dirNoEnt directory, if empty, it will try to find it automatically. It needs to be executed in the project root directory to find it automatically
addNoAdd a template, which needs to be in the list.
  goctls extra ent template [flags]

  -a, --add string   Add template for ent
  -d, --dir string   The ent directory. If it is empty, goctls will try to find it automatically
  -h, --help         help for template
  -l, --list         List all support templates
  -u, --update       Update all templates

extra ent mixin Template Generation

goctls >= 1.5.14

goctls extra ent mixin -a soft_delete
$ goctls extra ent mixin -h
  goctls extra ent mixin [flags]

  -a, --add string   Add Mixin template for ent
  -d, --dir string   Directory of ent. If empty, goctls will find it automatically
  -h, --help         help for mixin
  -l, --list         List all supported templates
  -u, --update       Update all templates

Soft delete templates are currently supported.

extra ent import generates schema from database

goctls >= 1.6.12


It is recommended to execute the command directly in the project's root directory, and the -o parameter does not need to be configured, for example:

goctls extra ent import -d "mysql://root:simple-admin.@tcp(localhost:3306)/simple_admin?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local" -t "sys_tokens"
$ goctls extra ent import -h
Generate Ent Schema from database

  goctls extra ent import [flags]

  -d, --dsn string              Database DSN address, supports mysql and postgres. e.g. "mysql://user:pass@tcp(localhost:3306)/dbname"
  -e, --exclude_tables string   When excluding tables for exporting all tables, you need to specify all intermediate tables and tables without a primary key. For example: role_menu, user_roles
  -h, --help                    help for import
  -o, --output string           Output path, the project's root directory
  -t, --tables string           Specify data tables. e.g. sys_users,sys_tokens


goctls supports generating index indexes, but the suffix of the index name must be the field name, and only supports generating single indexes, not composite indexes

extra ent schema command generates an empty schema file.

goctls >= 1.5.20

$ goctls extra ent schema -h

Generate an empty schema file

  goctls extra ent schema [flags]
  -h, --help                help for schema
  -m, --model_name string   Model name