Proto To Api
July 21, 2023About 3 min
This command is used to generate field content in the api through proto. It is mainly used to generate structures other than CRUD code generation, that is, convert extra messages in rpc into the type of the api, making it more convenient for proto to access the api.
$ goctls extra proto2api -h
Generate additional data for API, such as type and service, through proto.
goctls extra proto2api [flags]
-a, --api_path string API file path. If it is empty, the output will be displayed on the console.
-g, --group_name string Group name. If it is empty, it will be the lowercase of the model name.
-h, --help help for proto2api
-j, --json_style string The format of the JSON fields, defaulting to goZero. (default "goZero")
-m, --model_name string Model name used for filtering RPC.
--multiple Whether it is a proto for multiple services.
-p, --proto_path string Proto file path. Note that it is the proto file in the root directory, not in the desc folder.
The proto file must contain the corresponding group
The api file must already have type
and service
defined, otherwise it is recommended to copy from the console.
goctls extra proto2api -m OauthProvider -p D:/projects/simpleadmin/feature-workspace/simple-admin-core/rpc/core.proto
-a D:/projects/simpleadmin/feature-workspace/simple-admin-core/api/desc/core/api.api
syntax = "v1"
title: "API management"
desc: "API management is used to register APIs and manage APIs"
author: "Ryan Su"
email: ""
version: "v1.0"
import "../base.api"
type (
// OauthRedirectResp
OauthRedirectResp {
// Url
Url string `json:"url"`
// UserInfo
UserInfo {
// CreatedAt
CreatedAt *int64 `json:"createdAt,optional"`
// UpdatedAt
UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updatedAt,optional"`
// Status
Status *uint32 `json:"status,optional"`
// Username
Username *string `json:"username,optional"`
// Password
Password *string `json:"password,optional"`
// Nickname
Nickname *string `json:"nickname,optional"`
// HomePath
HomePath *string `json:"homePath,optional"`
// RoleIds
RoleIds []uint64 `json:"roleIds"`
// Mobile
Mobile *string `json:"mobile,optional"`
// Avatar
Avatar *string `json:"avatar,optional"`
// DepartmentId
DepartmentId *uint64 `json:"departmentId,optional"`
// PositionIds
PositionIds []uint64 `json:"positionIds"`
// RoleCodes
RoleCodes []string `json:"roleCodes"`
// CallbackReq
CallbackReq {
// State
State string `json:"state"`
// Code
Code string `json:"code"`
// OauthLoginReq
OauthLoginReq {
// State
State string `json:"state"`
// Provider
Provider string `json:"provider"`
// The API information | API信息
ApiInfo {
// Translated Name | 多语言名称
Trans string `json:"trans,optional"`
// API path | API路径
Path *string `json:"path,optional" validate:"omitempty,min=1,max=80"`
// API Description | API 描述
Description *string `json:"description,optional" validate:"omitempty,max=100"`
// API group | API分组
Group *string `json:"group,optional" validate:"omitempty,min=1,max=20"`
// API request method e.g. POST | API请求类型 如POST
Method *string `json:"method,optional" validate:"omitempty,uppercase,min=3,max=7"`
// Whether is required | 是否是必须的 api
IsRequired *bool `json:"isRequired,optional"`
// The response data of API list | API列表数据
ApiListResp {
// API list data | API 列表数据
Data ApiListInfo `json:"data"`
// API list data | API 列表数据
ApiListInfo {
// The API list data | API列表数据
Data []ApiInfo `json:"data"`
// Get API list request params | API列表请求参数
ApiListReq {
// API path | API路径
Path *string `json:"path,optional" validate:"omitempty,max=200"`
// API Description | API 描述
Description *string `json:"description,optional" validate:"omitempty,max=100"`
// API group | API分组
Group *string `json:"group,optional" validate:"omitempty,max=20"`
// API request method e.g. POST | API请求类型 如POST
Method *string `json:"method,optional" validate:"omitempty,uppercase,min=3,max=7"`
// Whether is required | 是否是必须的 api
IsRequired *bool `json:"isRequired,optional"`
// API information response | API信息返回体
ApiInfoResp {
// API information | API数据
Data ApiInfo `json:"data"`
jwt: Auth
group: api
middleware: Authority
service Core {
// oauthLogin
@handler oauthLogin
post /oauthprovider/oauth_login (OauthLoginReq) returns (OauthRedirectResp)
// oauthCallback
@handler oauthCallback
post /oauthprovider/oauth_callback (CallbackReq) returns (UserInfo)
// Create API information | 创建API
@handler createApi
post /api/create(ApiInfo) returns (BaseMsgResp)
// Update API information | 创建API
@handler updateApi
post /api/update(ApiInfo) returns (BaseMsgResp)
// Delete API information | 删除API信息
@handler deleteApi
post /api/delete (IDsReq) returns (BaseMsgResp)
// Get API list | 获取API列表
@handler getApiList
post /api/list (ApiListReq) returns (ApiListResp)
// Get API by ID | 通过ID获取API
@handler getApiById
post /api (IDReq) returns (ApiInfoResp)
We tested to generate the oauth provider into the api file, and found that all methods in the same group (except CRUD) will be automatically generated. This command greatly facilitates the development of API.