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Ryan SUAbout 2 min

What is the default account?

A: Account: admin Password: simple-admin

Registered account can not log in?

A: The default role after successful registration is a staff, without the permission to log in. You need to modify the role permissions or set the user's role to administrator.


The new version now supports configuring the default role, department, and position of registered users through ProjectConf:

  DefaultRoleId: 2
  DefaultDepartmentId: 1
  DefaultPositionId: 1

How many ways does go-zero have for service registration and discovery?

A: 3 kinds go-zeroopen in new window

How to deal with empty etcd hosts errors?

A: The empty etcd hosts error occurs when the RPC configuration in the configuration file is incorrect. If this error occurs, please check all RPC configurations in the yaml file such as CoreRpc.

How to deal with cross domain issues?

A: Modify api/core.go

server := rest.MustNewServer(c.RestConf, rest.WithCors("*"))

Modify * to your own domain name or IP, the default is *, allowing all.

How to sync a fork repository?

Configure the remote library for fork, check the remote status first

git remote -v

Determine an upstream warehouse that will be synchronized to the fork remote, the address after upstream is the git address you are about to synchronize

git remote add upstream

start sync fork

git fetch upstream

switch to local master branch

git checkout master

Merge the upstream/master branch into the local master, so that the synchronization is completed and the locally modified content will not be lost.

git merge upstream/master

How to get environment variables?

Just declare env in the variable of config.go

type Config struct {
      ServiceName string `json:",env=SERVICE_NAME"`

How to configure the Windows environment?


Please install golang in windows firstly.

First install git, we need git bash command line to execute linux commands
Secondly, you need to install the make command, we install it through Chocolateyopen in new window

# POWERSHELL Execution in Admin State

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

# And then run
choco install make

Restart the IDE after make is installed, and select git bash for the command line of the IDE


Paths under git bash are separated by /, windows defaults to \

goctls api proto --proto=D:/projects/simple-admin-example-rpc/example.proto --style=go_zero --api_service_name=example --rpc_service_name=example --o=./ --model=Student --rpc_name=Example

What special components does the menu have?

  • LAYOUT - When the menu is a directory, the component needs to be set to LAYOUT
  • IFrame - When the menu is an Iframe, it needs to be set to Iframe, and both embedded and external links need to be set to Iframe

How to develop multiple interdependent projects locally?

Use the workspace mode. After go 1.18, there is a workspace mode. You only need to put the api and rpc projects in the same folder and execute the command:

# Such as putting multiple projects in one place for development
go work init simple-admin-common/ simple-admin-core/ simple-admin-tools/

You can get the latest code changes locally without committing to the repository.

How to debug Backend UI?

  • First run the project, execute pnpm dev
  • Then set breakpoint and press F5 in vscode to debug