RPC Service
Must know go-zero's RPC command. RPC Command RPC Service
Refer to the Example project to generate it again, confirm that the generated file is consistent with the Example project, and the Example project has complete commands.
RPC Responsibilities
In Simple Admin, RPC is mainly used to obtain data and provide extended functions. It mainly has the following responsibilities:
- Interact with the database to obtain the required data, such as PostgreSql
- Interact with data sources to obtain data, such as ES
- Provide additional functions for API layer calls, such as sending text messages and emails
Multiple different APIs can access the same RPC to call its functions.
Create RPC project
Create example project
goctls rpc new example --ent=true --module_name=github.com/suyuan32/simple-admin-example-rpc --port=8080 --desc=true
Simpler Command
goctls rpc new example -e -m github.com/suyuan32/simple-admin-example-rpc -p 8080 -d
The project name only supports lowercase and camelcase and must be not contains rpc
rpc new
Parameter | Must | Default | Introduction | Usage |
ent | No | false | Whether to use Ent | true means use |
i18n | No | false | Whether to use i18n | true means use |
module_name | No | Module name in go.mod | If your project will be used by other project, you should set as above which is a github repository. If it is empty, the module will be the same as project name. | |
port | No | 9100 | Port number | The service port |
desc | No | false | Whether to split the proto file into the desc folder | true will generate the desc folder |
style | No | go_zero | The format of the file name. | snake case format is go_zero. |
** More parameters please check goctls rpc new --help
$ goctls rpc new --help
Generate rpc demo service
goctl rpc new [flags]
--branch string The branch of the remote repo, it does work with --remote
-d, --desc Whether to create desc folder for splitting proto files
-e, --ent Whether use Ent in project
-h, --help help for new
--home string The goctl home path of the template, --home and --remote cannot be set at the same time, if they are, --remote has higher priority
-i, --i18n Whether to use i18n
--idea For idea plugin [optional]
-m, --module_name string The module name in go.mod. e.g. github.com/suyuan32/simple-admin-core
-p, --port int The service port exposed (default 9110)
--remote string The remote git repo of the template, --home and --remote cannot be set at the same time, if they are, --remote has higher priority
The git repo directory must be consistent with the https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero-template directory structure
-s, --style string The file naming format, see [https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero/blob/master/tools/goctl/config/readme.md] (default "go_zero")
-v, --verbose Enable log output
You can see the project structure:

File structure
├── desc proto file directory
├── ent ent file directory
│ ├── enttest
│ ├── hook
│ ├── migrate
│ ├── predicate
│ ├── runtime
│ ├── schema ent schema declaration directory
│ ├── student
│ ├── teacher
│ └── template
├── etc configuration file directory
├── example grpc and types directory
├── exampleclient client directory
└── internal
├── logic logic code directory
│ ├── base
│ ├── student
│ └── teacher
├── server
└── svc global service_context directory
└── utils tools such as ent error handler and ent transaction function
And then edit etc/example.yaml
Name: example.rpc
Type: mysql
Port: 3306
DBName: simple_admin
Username: root # set your username
Password: "123456" # set your password
MaxOpenConn: 100
SSLMode: disable
CacheTime: 5
Type: node
ServiceName: exampleRpcLogger
Mode: file
Path: /home/ryan/data/logs/example/rpc
Encoding: json
Level: info
Compress: false
KeepDays: 7
StackCoolDownMillis: 100
Port: 4001
Path: /metrics
Edit schema
Enter ent/schema, change example.go into student.go, adding mixins and the fields address, uuid
package schema
import (
// Student holds the schema definition for the Student entity.
type Student struct {
// Fields of the Student.
func (Student) Fields() []ent.Field {
return []ent.Field{
func (Student) Mixin() []ent.Mixin {
return []ent.Mixin{
// Edges of the Student.
func (Student) Edges() []ent.Edge {
return nil
Generate Ent code
make gen-ent
Generate Student CRUD logic codes
goctls rpc ent --schema=./ent/schema --style=go_zero --multiple=false --service_name=Example --output=./ --model=Student --group=student --proto_out=./desc/student.proto
make gen-rpc
rpc ent
Parameters | Must | Default | Introduction | Usage |
schema | Yes | Schema folder | Input the relative path of Ent schema | |
style | No | go_zero | File name format | The go_zero means snack format |
service_name | Yes | service name | The same as the service name in the proto file | |
project_name | Yes | project name | Same as the name you create project, same as main file name, needs to be set in multiple mode, single service is same as service name by default | |
search_key_num | No | 300 | The number of search fields in the list (default is 300). | Only string type fields can be automatically generated. |
output | Yes | Output path | The output path,it can be relative path. It should target to the root path of project. | |
model | Yes | Model name | The model name for generating e.g. User, if it is "all", generate codes for all models in schema directory | |
group | Yes | Group Name | The group name is used to separate logic code | |
multiple | No | false | Multiple Service | If your proto file contains multiple service, you should set true |
proto_out | No | Proto file output directory | If it is empty, the data will be generated to the proto file in the root directory of the project, otherwise it will be generated in the specified path desc, such as ./desc/student.proto, note that the folder storing proto must be desc, and there can be sub-files inside folder | |
proto_field_style | no | go_zero | proto field naming format | default is underscore |
i18n | No | false | Whether to use i18n | true means use |
import_prefix | No | The path prefix of import | Import paths' prefix is only used when the service in sub folder, such as core service's api and rpc | |
overwrite | No | false | Whether it covers the generated file | true will cover all generated files |
Multiple Example, multiple is used to generate separate RPC client when there are several RPC service in one proto file.
goctls api proto --proto=/home/ryan/GolandProjects/simple-admin-example-rpc/example.proto --style=go_zero --api_service_name=example --rpc_service_name=school --output=./ --model=Teacher --rpc_name=School --grpc_package=github.com/suyuan32/simple-admin-example-rpc/example --multiple=true
More parameters please check goctls rpc ent --help
$ goctls rpc ent --help
Generate CRUD template codes by Ent
goctls rpc ent [flags]
-g, --group string The group name for logic. e.g. user
-h, --help help for ent
-i, --i18n Whether to use i18n
-x, --import_prefix string Import paths' prefix is only used when the service in sub folder, such as core service's api and rpc
-m, --model string The model name for generating e.g. user, if it is "all", generate codes for all models in schema directory
--multiple Generated in multiple rpc service mode
-o, --output string The output path
-w, --overwrite Whether to overwrite the files, it will overwrite all generated files
-p, --project_name string The project name
-f, --proto_field_style string The proto field style (default "go_zero")
-t, --proto_out string The output proto file path
-c, --schema string The schema path of the Ent
-k, --search_key_num int The max number of search keys (default 300)
-r, --service_name string The service name
-s, --style string The file name format style (default "go_zero")
The tool will automatically recognize the proto files in the desc
folder, and subfolders can also be created inside the desc
, package
and go_package
only need to be declared once in base.proto,
The tool will automatically merge all proto files into the proto file in the project root directory. To split proto files in old projects, you only need to split the proto in the root directory to the desc folder.
The shortcut command make gen-rpc-ent-logic model={modelName} group={groupName}
means to generate the code whose schema is {modelName}
, and {groupName}
is the group name. Note that the first letter of modelName needs to be capitalized. Be consistent with the struct name in the schema, use make gen-rpc-ent-logic model=all group=all
to generate all CRUD codes.
# Generate the Student structure in the schema
make gen-rpc-ent-logic model=Student group=student
make gen-rpc
# You may need to run
go mod tidy

You can see CRUD code !
And then you can run the code !
Proto File code
syntax = "proto3";
package example;
option go_package="./example";
message Empty {}
message IDReq {
uint64 id = 1;
message IDsReq {
repeated uint64 ids = 1;
message UUIDReq {
string uuid = 1;
message BaseResp {
string msg = 1;
message PageInfoReq {
uint64 page = 1;
uint64 page_size = 2;
// Student message
message StudentInfo {
uint64 id = 1;
int64 created_at = 2;
int64 updated_at = 3;
string name = 4;
int64 age = 5;
message StudentListResp {
uint64 total = 1;
repeated StudentInfo data = 2;
message StudentPageReq {
uint64 page = 1;
uint64 page_size = 2;
string name = 3;
service Example {
// group: base
rpc initDatabase (Empty) returns (BaseResp);
// Student management
// group: student
rpc createOrUpdateStudent (StudentInfo) returns (BaseResp);
// group: student
rpc getStudentList (StudentPageReq) returns (StudentListResp);
// group: student
rpc deleteStudent (IDReq) returns (BaseResp);
// group: student
rpc batchDeleteStudent (IDsReq) returns (BaseResp);
Use group comment to separate rpc logic
go run example.go -f etc/example.yaml
If you see information below:
Starting server at
That means the codes run successfully, you need to finish the database initialization like: simple admin file
Project URL https://github.com/suyuan32/simple-admin-example-rpc
How to call the RPC in simple admin example api
Add config
package config
import (
type Config struct {
Auth rest.AuthConf
DatabaseConf config.DatabaseConf
RedisConf redis.RedisConf
CasbinConf config.CasbinConf
ExampleRpc zrpc.RpcClientConf
Add example rpc in service context
Edit service context
package svc
import (
i18n2 "github.com/suyuan32/simple-admin-example-api/internal/i18n"
type ServiceContext struct {
Config config.Config
ExampleRpc exampleclient.Example
Casbin *casbin.Enforcer
Authority rest.Middleware
Trans *i18n.Translator
func NewServiceContext(c config.Config) *ServiceContext {
rds := redis.MustNewRedis(c.RedisConf)
cbn := c.CasbinConf.MustNewCasbinWithRedisWatcher(c.DatabaseConf.Type, c.DatabaseConf.GetDSN(), c.RedisConf)
trans := i18n.NewTranslator(i18n2.LocaleFS)
return &ServiceContext{
Config: c,
Authority: middleware.NewAuthorityMiddleware(cbn, rds).Handle,
Trans: trans,
ExampleRpc: exampleclient.NewExample(zrpc.NewClientIfEnable(c.ExampleRpc)),
And then you can call in via l.svcCtx.ExampleRpc in logic code.
simple admin example api https://github.com/suyuan32/simple-admin-example-api