December 19, 2022About 1 min
We use Casbin to do authorization validating.
Use Redis to watch the changes.
cbn := c.CasbinConf.MustNewCasbinWithRedisWatcher(c.DatabaseConf.Type, c.DatabaseConf.GetDSN(), c.RedisConf)
Use in middleware
package middleware
import (
type AuthorityMiddleware struct {
Cbn *casbin.Enforcer
Rds *redis.Redis
Trans *i18n.Translator
func NewAuthorityMiddleware(cbn *casbin.Enforcer, rds *redis.Redis, trans *i18n.Translator) *AuthorityMiddleware {
return &AuthorityMiddleware{
Cbn: cbn,
Rds: rds,
Trans: trans,
func (m *AuthorityMiddleware) Handle(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// get the path
obj := r.URL.Path
// get the method
act := r.Method
// get the role id
roleIds := r.Context().Value("roleId").(string)
// check jwt blacklist
jwtResult, err := m.Rds.Get("token_" + r.Header.Get("Authorization"))
if err != nil {
logx.Errorw("redis error in jwt", logx.Field("detail", err.Error()))
httpx.Error(w, errorx.NewApiError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()))
if jwtResult == "1" {
logx.Errorw("token in blacklist", logx.Field("detail", r.Header.Get("Authorization")))
httpx.Error(w, errorx.NewApiErrorWithoutMsg(http.StatusUnauthorized))
result := batchCheck(m.Cbn, roleIds, act, obj)
if result {
logx.Infow("HTTP/HTTPS Request", logx.Field("UUID", r.Context().Value("userId").(string)),
logx.Field("path", obj), logx.Field("method", act))
next(w, r)
} else {
logx.Errorw("the role is not permitted to access the API", logx.Field("roleId", roleIds),
logx.Field("path", obj), logx.Field("method", act))
httpx.Error(w, errorx.NewCodeError(errorcode.PermissionDenied, m.Trans.Trans(
context.WithValue(context.Background(), "lang", r.Header.Get("Accept-Language")),
func batchCheck(cbn *casbin.Enforcer, roleIds, act, obj string) bool {
var checkReq [][]any
for _, v := range strings.Split(roleIds, ",") {
checkReq = append(checkReq, []any{v, obj, act})
result, err := cbn.BatchEnforce(checkReq)
if err != nil {
logx.Errorw("Casbin enforce error", logx.Field("detail", err.Error()))
return false
for _, v := range result {
if v {
return true
return false
Use in api file
jwt: Auth
group: api
middleware: Authority
At present, API generation already supports automatic generation of authentication middleware