Drone CI
August 3, 2023About 2 min
Drone CI Files Generating
Video tutorial
Create Drone CI file
Create .drone.yaml and Dockerfile files
goctls cicd drone -d="core" -g="gitee.com" -s="core" -x="rpc" -b="master" -r="registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com" -o="registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/simple_admin/core-api-docker:v1.1.0" -e="core"
repo parameter
For latest: -o="registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/simple_admin/core-api-docker"
For non-latest: -o="registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/simple_admin/core-api-docker:v1.1.0"
Introduction to cicd drone
Parameter | Required | Default Value | Description | Usage |
drone_name | No | drone-greet | Drone name | Customize a name for drone |
go_private | Yes | gitee.com | Go private repository settings | For example: gitee.com | github.com |
service_name | Yes | None | Go-zero service main program entry file | For example: core.go, the suffix .go must be omitted |
service_type | No | happy | Go-zero service type | For example: rpc | api |
git_branch | No | main | Git repository branch | Depending on your own git branch |
registry | Yes | None | Remote image repository address | For example, Alibaba Cloud mirror address: registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com |
repo | Yes | None | Remote image repository address | If the tag is not 'latest', it needs to be specified, for example: git-repo:v0.0.1, if it is 'latest', it needs to be ignored |
etc_yaml | Yes | None | Dockerfile configuration used by drone in the CI process | The yaml configuration file name under the etc folder of the go-zero project |
For detailed parameters, use goctls cicd drone -h
in the command line
$ goctls cicd drone -h
Generate Drone yaml and Dockerfile
goctls cicd drone [flags]
-d, --drone_name string The Drone name
-e, --etc_yaml string The Dockerfile with drone used, go-zero project etc yaml file name (required)
-b, --git_branch string The branch of the remote repo, default "main" (default "master")
-g, --go_private string Go private such as: gitee.com|github.com, default "gitee.com" (required) (default "gitee.com")
-h, --help help for drone
-r, --registry string The remote Docker Registry, if aliyun ACR such as: registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com (required)
-o, --repo string The remote Git Repository, if tag is not 'latest' please assign tag such as: git-repo:v0.0.1, if tag is latest you can ignore the tag (required)
-s, --service_name string The service name of the main project go file, such as: core.go, you must ignore suffix: .go (required)
-x, --service_type string The service type such as: rpc|api, default "happy"
You can see the following structure
Note: The .drone.yml file generated in the Mac environment is hidden by default and requires the commandCommand + Shift + .
to be visible.
File Structure
├── example go-zero project
├── .drone.yml configuration file directory
└── Dockerfile Dockerfile configuration file
docker_username and docker_password in the yml file are the account and password of the repository configured in drone for pulling private images.
kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: core-rpc
- name: build-go
image: golang:1.20.3
depends_on: [clone]
- name: go_cache
path: /go/pkg/mod
- go env -w CGO_ENABLED=0
- go env -w GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn,direct
- go env -w GOPRIVATE=gitee.com
- go mod tidy && go build -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w" -o app core.go
- name: build-rpc
image: plugins/docker:20
depends_on: [build-go]
dockerfile: Dockerfile
registry: registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com
repo: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/simple_admin/core-api-docker:v1.1.0
auto_tag: true
insecure: true
from_secret: docker_username
from_secret: docker_password
- refs/tags/*
- refs/heads/master
- name: go_cache
path: /root/.go/cache
FROM alpine
RUN apk update && apk add tzdata
RUN ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime
COPY ./app /app/
COPY ./etc/core.yaml /app/etc/core.yaml
workdir /app/
ENTRYPOINT ["./app"]